CIOR / CIOMR / CISOR Summer Congress 2024

July 29th – August 2nd Tallinn, Estonia.

Opening meeting on Saturday at 17:00 in Dzingel

Opening meeting will be held on Saturday (2024-07-27) at 17:00 in the Hotel Dzingel conference center

According to MILCOMP permanent regulations:

A18.b. A Milcomp Opening Meeting, conducted by the DoC with the assistance of the Chair of MILCOMP, will be held the day before the start of any practice. TJ Members, HoDs, TCs and Coaches (as consultants only) are to be present at the meeting. If any matter arises that has to be voted on by the plenum, each country is authorised one vote.
A18.c. Agenda of the Milcomp Opening Meeting:

  • Opening address by the MILCOMP Chair.
  • Briefing by the DOC and introduction of the Controlling officers for the various events;
  • Composition of teams is made known by participating countries at the very latest at this meeting, before the drawing of lots;
  • Drawing of lots for the starting order according to section A19;
  • The countries who have not presented their official certification letter pertaining to reserve status of their participants according to Section A8b(2) must do so at this meeting;
  • Confirmation/reminding of Regulations, execution of all events and special conditions.
    The starting numbers for the competitors will be provided by the organizing country and will be handed out to delegations after the Milcomp Opening Meeting.